Extension Regions
Extension Regions

Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson, Ph.D.
Associate Dean & Director of Extension

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

Western Region

Western Region

University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension West Region


Welcome to the West Region!

The Extension Agents and Staff members in our 39 West Region counties are a vital part of our communities. We share research based information in the areas of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 4-H Youth Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Community and Economic Development.  

We are making a difference across the Commonwealth


West Region

Front Row: Robert Tashjian (W1 & W2 AED), Amber Huffman (W7 & W8 AED),
Amanda Hardy (W5 & W6 AED),  Jeremy Teal (West Region Director)
Back Row: Adair Baysinger (McCracken County Director), Matt Fulkerson (W3 & W4 AED)
Missing: Daniel Carpenter (Hardin Co. Director)


West Region Counties

Jeremy Teal, West Region Director

Jeremy Teal

West Region
Extension Director

(270) 399-0137


Jeremy is a native of Cumberland County, where he grew up on his family’s farm.  He completed his undergraduate degree, at the University of Kentucky in Secondary Education and later earned his master’s degree from Murray State University in Human Development and Leadership.  Jeremy began his Extension career in 2001 in Hopkins County, serving as one of the 4-H Agents.  After serving 17 years as a 4-H Agent, he moved to Extension Business Operations as the Business Analyst Senior for Western Kentucky.  Jeremy would later transition to become the Area Extension Director for West 5 & West 6.  In the summer of 2023 Jeremy accepted the role of West Regional Extension Director.

West Region offices

West Region Office
348 University Drive
P.O. Box 469
Princeton, KY 42445

The West Region Support Team

Sandie Waddell

Sandie Waddell

West Region
Administrative Services Assistant

(859) 562-1337

Misty Hicks

Misty Hicks

Administrative Support Associate
West 1-4 Counties

(859) 562-1315

Tami Widelski

Tami Widelski

Administrative Support
West 5-8 Counties

 (859) 562-1372 




Toni Jarrett


Toni Jarrett

Administrative Support
West Region


Area Extension Directors for the West Region

Robert Tashjian

Matt Fulkerson

Amanda Hardy

Amber Huffman

Robert C. Tashjian

Area Extension Director
West 1 and 2

(270) 508-0519

2025 New Holt Road
Paducah, Kentucky 42001-7537

Matt Fulkerson

Area Extension Director
West 3 and 4

(270) 621-0524

75 Cornwall Drive
Madisonville, Kentucky 42431

Amanda Hardy

Area Extension Director
West 5 and 6 

(270) 831-0360

4800A New Hartford Road
Owensboro, Kentucky 42303

Amber Huffman

Area Extension Director
West 7 and 8

(270) 590-8942

P. O. Box 55
Edmonton, KY 42129

Robert grew up in Livingston County, KY.  He earned degrees from Murray State University with his M.S. focus in administration. Robert began his career in Extension in 1997 as a 4-H Youth Development agent in McCracken County until 2018 when he joined administration as County Manager.  In 2021, he accepted the position of Area Extension Director for West 1 and West 2.

Matt is a native of Henderson County, Kentucky. He received his Bachelor of Science in Biology (2002) and Master of Science in Plant and Soil Science (2004) from the University of Kentucky. He became the Area Extension Director for West 3 and West 4 in 2021.  Before becoming an AED, Matt served as the District 7 Director for 11 years covering the 17 westernmost counties in Kentucky. Prior to that, he served as the Hopkins County Extension Agent for Horticulture.

Amanda grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, and has lived in Kentucky for over 20 years.  Her extension career started in 2005 as the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in McLean County. Three years later, Amanda transferred to Henderson County as the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent. With over 18 years of experience, she transitioned to the Area Director Position for West 5 and West 6 at the beginning of November 2023.   She holds a Bachelor’s of Sciences in Public Health Education and a Master’s of Arts Education in Adult Education, both from Western Kentucky.

Amber is a native of Metcalfe County, where she grew up on her family’s beef and dairy cattle farm.  Amber completed her undergraduate degree, at the University of Kentucky, in Agricultural Economics with a minor in Business and also earned her master’s degree from the University of Kentucky in Agricultural Education.  She served as an Extension intern in the Metcalfe County Extension Office.   Amber began her Extension career in 1999 in Jessamine County, serving as the 4-H Agent for 5 years before transferring to Hart County where she was the 4-H Agent for 18 years.  After serving 23 years as a 4-H Agent, Amber transitioned to become the Area Extension Director for West 7 & West 8 in 2021. 

Counties located in the West Region

Our 275 West Region employees invite you to visit our websites, join us for a program, or contact us for information. 



Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson, Ph.D.
Associate Dean & Director of Extension

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091